SSL Cert expired after a few days


we are running consul with a few clients.
After 2-3 Days the ssl cert expires and don’t renew automatically. With a restart of a consul client fix this problem.


consul  | 2023-03-15T06:59:07.170Z [WARN]  agent: certificate will expire soon: metric=agent.tls.cert.expiry time_to_expiry=23h58m59.829306097s expiration="2023-03-16 06:58:07.000001267 +0000 UTC m=+259139.988082065"
consul  | 2023-03-15T07:59:07.170Z [WARN]  agent: certificate will expire soon: metric=agent.tls.cert.expiry time_to_expiry=22h58m59.829315745s expiration="2023-03-16 06:58:07.00000143 +0000 UTC m=+259139.988082247"
consul  | 2023-03-15T08:59:07.169Z [WARN]  agent: certificate will expire soon: metric=agent.tls.cert.expiry time_to_expiry=21h58m59.830466859s expiration="2023-03-16 06:58:07.000000741 +0000 UTC m=+259139.988081488"
consul  | 2023-03-15T09:59:07.170Z [WARN]  agent: certificate will expire soon: metric=agent.tls.cert.expiry time_to_expiry=20h58m59.829834289s expiration="2023-03-16 06:58:07.000001398 +0000 UTC m=+259139.988082163"


"verify_incoming": false,
    "verify_outgoing": true,
    "verify_server_hostname": true,
    "ca_file": "/consul/config/consul-agent-ca.pem",
    "auto_encrypt": {
      "tls": true
    "connect": {
        "enabled": true

anyone has any idea why we need to restart every few days the consul client?