SSO Setup - OIDC with Zitadel Cloud


My organization uses Zitadel Cloud for auth. I’ve attempted to configure my Hashicorp cloud tenant to use my auth provider, but when attempting to sign in with an organization account, I just get a generic “something went wrong” error and no additional information, which makes it difficult to diagnose the issue.

On the Hashicorp side:

  1. Domain is verified.
  2. App id and app secret are provided.
  3. Issuer URL is provided based on my discovery url (issuer is auth domain name with no path, i.e.
  4. Default org role is selected.

I have also tried my authorization endpoint and token endpoint, but both produce the same effect.

On the Zitadel side, I have the application type set to web, Response types set to Code (additional options include ID Token and Token-ID Token), Basic Auth Method, and Authorization Code grant type. Refresh token is not enabled.

Redirect url is set to

Is there anything else that I’m missing here? Is there a way to review the cause of the error?



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Any logs you can see on the Zitadel side (I am personally not familiar with that platform)? Or try looking at your console tab in Chrome developer tools for anything more useful?