Storage migration issue while configuring transit engine

I have installed a transit engine vault on my server and after creating uwrapped token I tried to ocnfigure it with a new vault on other server I got this Issue.

2022-03-18T13:23:36.795Z [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch
2022-03-18T13:23:36.795Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error=“stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found”
2022-03-18T13:23:41.796Z [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch
2022-03-18T13:23:41.797Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error=“stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found”
2022-03-18T13:23:46.797Z [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch
2022-03-18T13:23:46.797Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error=“stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found”
2022-03-18T13:23:51.798Z [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch
2022-03-18T13:23:51.798Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error=“stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found”

You’re trying to setup an autounseal from one cluster to another?

It sounds like you never actually migrated the encryption key to the transit before attempting to do the unseal.

The transition of the key is a separate step than defining the transit engine. Notice the -migrate step in step 1.

P.S. As a note – make sure you have a way of renewing your token. The Allow_renewal only renews up to the max TTL, not renew the token forever.