Tags on root_block_device are added for each plan as new tags

Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Provider Version
Terraform v0.15.5
provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v3.38.0

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "aws_instance" "ec2_server1" {
  ami                  = module.ami.ami1
  instance_type        = "t3.large"
  subnet_id            = "az1"
  key_name             = "key1

  root_block_device {
    volume_type = "gp3"
    iops        = 3000
    throughput  = 125
    volume_size = 20
    tags                  = {
      "Name"              = "server1"
      "Environment"       = "Sandbox"
      "Project"           = "admin_projet"
      "Application"       = "admin_test"
      "localapp"          = "local1"
      "external"          = "external1"

  tags = {
    "Name"              = "server1"
    "Project"           = "admin_projet"
    "localapp"          = "local1"
    "external"          = "external1"
    "Application"       = "admin_test"
    "Platform"          = "Linux"
    "Environment"       = "Sandbox"
    "Patching"          = "yes"
    "Power"             = "24/7"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [ami, user_data, key_name]

Debug Output

  ~ resource "aws_instance" "ec2_server1" {
        id               = "i-0ex5xsdsdsjhsisdb" 
        tags                  = {
           "Name"              = "server1"
           "Project"           = "admin_projet"
           "local"             = "local1"
           "external"          = "external1"
           "Application"       = "admin_test"
           "Platform"          = "Linux"
           "Environment"       = "Sandbox"
           "Patching"          = "yes"
           "Power"             = "24/7"
     ~ root_block_device {
         ~  tags          = {
              + "Name"              = "server1"
              + "Environment"       = "Sandbox"
              + "Project"           = "admin_projet"
              + "Application"       = "admin_test"
              + "local"             = "local1"
              + "external"          = "external1"
            (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
        (5 unchanged blocks hidden)

Actual Behavior
terraform plan output show all tags on root_block_device as new changes every time I run terraform plan even if these tags were already added to root_block_device by the first plan/apply.

Expected Behavior
If a tag was already applied to root_block_device terraform should not show this tag as new add tag on plan output for each plan.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform plan; terraform apply : The root_block_device volume will be created correctly with all tags in tfe file.
  2. terraform plan again. terraform plan output show all tags on root_block_device as new changes with + sign