I discovered a strange behavior after migration from static environment variables in a job task definition to dynamic environment variables via template as described here:
It seems the variables that are created within the template are not parsed in further templated configuration files within the tasks.
The nomad client is a windows node and the task driver is java.
The template stanza that contains the environment:
template {
data = <<EOH
DB_HOST="{{ with service "mssql" }}{{ with index . 0 }}{{.Address}}{{ end }}{{ end }}"
DB_PORT="{{ with service "mssql" }}{{ with index . 0 }}{{ .Port }}{{ end }}{{ end }}"
env = true
destination = "local/env"
The template that is using the variables:
<database host="{{ env "DB_HOST" }}" port="{{ env "DB_PORT" }}" dbName="{{ env "DB_NAME" }}" user="{{ env "DB_USER" }}" password="{{ env "DB_PASSWORD" }}" />
<logging logDir="./local/logs" maxArchiveAge="1" asynchronous="true" maxSize="1" maxFileCount="10" >
<portShared>{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_server" }}</portShared>
The template stanza for this config is below the environment template. The data part is created within terraform and terraform nomad provider.
template {
data = <<EOF
destination = "local/conf/serverconf.override.xml"