Template Policy **Solved**

Hi there,

I am attempting to put together a simple policy to allow users to have their private path:

# View k/v secrets
path "/kv/{{identity.entity.name}}/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "list", "create", "update", "delete"]

So a user like ‘test.user’ would then be able to create and manage secrets on a path like /kv/test.user/

I seem to be missing something above as this path returns:

1 error occurred: * permission denied

Any suggestions please?

Hi there,

It turns out the solution was very simple, as follows:

# View k/v secrets
path "/kv/{{identity.entity.name}}" {
capabilities = ["read", "list", "create", "update", "delete"]

This enabled the path: /kv/test.user/.