Hi everyone,
i am using the nomad vault integration to get certificates issued by the vault PKI engine:
{% raw %}
{{ with secret "pki1/issue/my-role-dot-com" "common_name=test.my-role.com" "ttl=8760h" "alt_names=localhost"}}
{{- .Data.certificate -}}
{{ end }}
{% endraw %}
this works absolutely fine.
Yet when I redeploy my service I notice that a new certificate is issued - even though the old one is still valid.
Furthermore the old one isn’t revoke.
I have auto tidy enabled in vault - yet with a (quite) long TTL a lot of certificates pile up (especially in a testing/preproduction environment) that will only be tidyd up in “a year”.
I am aware that using considerably lower TTL would fix the problem - but isn’t there some mechanic or similar that makes nomad to “reuse” / have nomad remember the serial of the certificate ?