Hi there,
I have a parent/child module relationship where the child calls a private module (Azure repo) and because of that I am having dependency issues.
Here is how it looks:
My child module (Module A) calls this: Terraform Registry
Basically this module will create Postgres instance. I am calling it as
module postgres-server {
source: Azure/avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver/azurerm"
...Provide needed variables under here....
Along with it I added couple of resources that will create key-vault and will store the admin creds in the key-vault.
Then I call the Module A from my Module B (For Dev env), Module D (For QA env), Module D (For Stage env)… and so on and this where I do the actual deployment.
While applying, it’s running the key-vault before its installing the Postgres-server itself and its failing.
Because of this multiple dependency, how can I modify or provide a way for the terraform apply to install the resource groups, postgres-server before it can apply other resources?
Cheers for the help here