Terraform Azure : using resource name automatically on the display name groupe creation


how can i use the name of ressource as display_name without repeate action for each ressource, in the bellow my exemple, i want use the same template i change juste the resource “azuread_group” “name” :

resource "azuread_group" "azadgrp-dataops" {
  display_name     = "azad-rbac-grp-mfq-dataops"
  owners           = [data.azuread_client_config.azad.object_id]
  security_enabled = true
resource "azuread_group" "azadgrp-finops" {
  display_name     = "azad-rbac-grp-mfq-finops"
  owners           = [data.azuread_client_config.azad.object_id]
  security_enabled = true
resource "azuread_group" "azadgrp-archi" {
  display_name     = "azad-rbac-grp-mfq-archi"
  owners           = [data.azuread_client_config.azad.object_id]
  security_enabled = true
resource "azuread_group" "azadgrp-secops" {
  display_name     = "azad-rbac-grp-mfq-secops"
  owners           = [data.azuread_client_config.azad.object_id]
  security_enabled = true
