Terraform custom provider not calling Configure

I am developing a custom Terraform provider. I have all of my custom logic for creating/reading/updating/deleting resources all done but I cannot get the provider to get configured. I have cloned this repository as a base GitHub - hashicorp/terraform-provider-scaffolding-framework: Quick start repository for creating a Terraform provider using terraform-plugin-framework. And if I debug the code in that repository and just add a line to the provider.go file at the Configure method of the hashicupsProvider type so that I get a breakpoint inside that method, the breakpoint never hits. I have the exact same “skeleton” for my own provider so I do not think it is necessary to provide the whole source for that since it does not work even from the HashiCorp provided example.

I have overriden the provider address/path with .terraformrc and can successfully generate the schema for the provider with terraform providers schema -json for example.

Is it something I have missed in the documentation that you must do for Terraform to recognise that it should call the Configure method for example?

Edit: Adding the code for the provider struct and partial interface implementation.

type myproviderProvider struct {
version string

func (p *myproviderProvider) Metadata(_ context.Context, _ provider.MetadataRequest, resp *provider.MetadataResponse) {
resp.TypeName = "myprovider"
resp.Version = p.version

func (p *myproviderProvider) Configure(ctx context.Context, req provider.ConfigureRequest, resp *provider.ConfigureResponse) {

tflog.Debug(ctx, "Configure myprovider provider was called")

tflog.Info(ctx, "Creating myprovider client")
// And so on......

func (p *myproviderProvider) Schema(_ context.Context, _ provider.SchemaRequest, resp *provider.SchemaResponse) {

resp.Schema = schema.Schema{

Description: "Interact with myprovider.",

Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{

"username": schema.StringAttribute{

Description: "Username for myapp API. May also be provided via myprovider_USER environment variable.",

Optional: true,


"password": schema.StringAttribute{

Description: "Password for myapp API. May also be provided via myprovider_PW environment variable.",

Optional: true,


"api_url": schema.StringAttribute{

Description: "Url for myapp API. May also be provided via myprovider_URL environment variable.",

Optional: true,

Sensitive: true,


"domain_id": schema.StringAttribute{

Description: "DomainId for myapp API. May also be provided via myprovider_DOMAIN_ID environment variable.",

Optional: true,

Sensitive: true,





And this is the function that is used to return the provider to the Servemethod

func New(version string) func() provider.Provider {
    return func() provider.Provider {
        return &myproviderProvider{
            version: version,

The Terraform code

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        myprov = {
          source = "hashicorp.com/myuser/myprov"
          version = "0.1.0"
    provider "myprov" {
      username  = "myuser"
      password  = "verysecret"
      api_url   = "https://someurl.com"
      domain_id = "a-guid"

I must have misunderstood something because if I change the interface implementation of DataSourceWithConfigure to just DataSource the Configure method on the provider gets executed before Configure on the DataSource, why is Configure on the DataSource getting called before the provider Configure?

Hi @johanlundberg92,

I think the detail you are looking for is documented here: Plugin Development - Framework: Configure Data Sources | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer

Terraform does static validation without configuring the provider, so this particular Configure method may get called at that point during validation, but the provider will not have been itself configured.

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Thank you, I overlooked that (first time coding a provider). I implemented some logic so it does not fail.