It’s not possible to accomplish this transform in any reasonably nice way using Terraform - it’s beyond the capabilities of the language, and it’s better to do this in some kind of generation step that outputs files before Terraform is run.
Technically there is a not-nice way to do it:
locals {
foo = your input here
foo_merged = [
for key_it in toset([
for element_it in : {
k8s = element_it.k8s
sa =
k8s = key_it.k8s
sa =
ns = [
for match_it in :
if match_it.k8s == key_it.k8s && ==
It works, but at what cost? It’s seriously unreadable, extends poorly to additional fields, and requires a separate loop over ALL the input data for each unique key, so scales poorly too.
Actually, just after posting this, I came across a fairly obscure feature I’d never used before, which allows some of the issues to be addressed:
foo_merged_2 = [
for grouping_it in {
for element_it in :
"${element_it.k8s} ${}" => element_it...
k8s = grouping_it[0].k8s
sa = grouping_it[0].sa
ns = [for item_it in grouping_it : item_it.ns]
This is a fair bit better - it resolves the poor scaling characteristics I was complaining about above.
It’s still fairly hard to read, and comes with the new downside of needing to be able to merge all of your grouping fields into a single string (I’m assuming I can rely on k8s and sa never containing space characters in their own values here.)
The area that I don’t understand is the grouping values together with ‘…’ operator, documents said that it can only be used inside a function, like min([1,2,3,-1]...), what’s its use after element_it?