I have the following issue. When I want to run the code below, I have the error message: The “count” value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created. To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply only the resources that the count depends on.
The tf code creates a complete private hdinsight kafka cluster, but because wrong design, I had to create the DNS entries manually for the cluster.
The problematic line is the count line from the following code:
data "azurerm_lb" "loadBalancers" {
depends_on = [ data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources ]
resource_group_name = var.resource_group
count = length(data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources.resources)
name = data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources.resources[count.index].name
According to terraform, it cannot determine the count value without apply. That’s fine, but the count value should be evaluated after the deployment of dependent resources got finished.
Full tf code:
module "hdinsight-storage" {
source = "../azure-storage-account"
add-pvep = false
log-analytics-id = var.log-analytics-id
private_dns_zone_id = var.storage-dns-zone-id
subnet_id = var.storage-subnet-id
subresource-names = [ "blob" ]
access-tier = "Hot"
account-kind = "StorageV2"
public-network-access-enabled = true
resource_group = var.resource_group
location = var.location
tier = "Standard"
name = replace("st${var.name}","-","")
replication_type = "ZRS"
resource "time_sleep" "wait_30_s" {
depends_on = [ module.hdinsight-storage ]
create_duration = "30s"
module "hdinsight-container" {
source = "../azure-storage-container"
depends_on = [ time_sleep.wait_30_s ]
name = "hdinsight"
storage_account_name = module.hdinsight-storage.storage-name
resource "azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster" "kafka" {
depends_on = [ module.hdinsight-container ]
name = var.name
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group
cluster_version = var.cluster-version
tier = var.cluster-tier
gateway {
username = var.gw-username
password = var.gw-password
storage_account {
storage_container_id = module.hdinsight-container.container-id
storage_account_key = module.hdinsight-storage.storage-key
is_default = true
storage_resource_id = module.hdinsight-storage.storage-id
component_version {
kafka = var.kafka-component-version
network {
connection_direction = "Outbound"
private_link_enabled = true
roles {
head_node {
password = var.head-node-password
vm_size = var.head-node-vm-size
username = var.node-username
subnet_id = var.kafka-subnet-id
virtual_network_id = var.kafka-vnet-id
worker_node {
password = var.worker-node-password
vm_size = var.worker-node-vm-size
username = var.node-username
number_of_disks_per_node = var.worker-node-disks-per-node
target_instance_count = var.worker-node-instance
subnet_id = var.kafka-subnet-id
virtual_network_id = var.kafka-vnet-id
zookeeper_node {
username = var.node-username
password = var.zookeeper-node-password
vm_size = var.zookeeper-node-vm-size
subnet_id = var.kafka-subnet-id
virtual_network_id = var.kafka-vnet-id
data "azurerm_resources" "loadBalancer-resources" {
depends_on = [ azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster.kafka ]
resource_group_name = var.resource_group
type = "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers"
data "azurerm_lb" "loadBalancers" {
depends_on = [ data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources ]
resource_group_name = var.resource_group
count = length(data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources.resources)
name = data.azurerm_resources.loadBalancer-resources.resources[count.index].name
resource "azurerm_private_dns_a_record" "kafka_records" {
depends_on = [ data.azurerm_lb.loadBalancers ]
count = length(data.azurerm_lb.loadBalancers)
name = startswith(data.azurerm_lb.loadBalancers[count.index].name,"gateway") ? "${var.name}" : "${var.name}-ssh"
zone_name = var.kafka-dns-zone
resource_group_name = var.kafka-dns-zone-rg
provider = azurerm.connectivity
ttl = 300
records = [ data.azurerm_lb.loadBalancers[count.index].frontend_ip_configuration[0].private_ip_address ]
output "storage-id" {
value = module.hdinsight-storage.storage-id
output "blob-id" {
value = module.hdinsight-container.container-id
output "kafka-id" {
value = azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster.kafka.id
output "kafka-proxy-endpoint" {
value = azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster.kafka.kafka_rest_proxy_endpoint
output "kafka-https-endpoint" {
value = azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster.kafka.https_endpoint
output "kafka-gateway" {
value = azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster.kafka.gateway
I can give value 2 to count, but it is not a good option…