Terraform GCP compute engine import issue

Hi Team,

Im getting below error when i trying to import existing compute engine resource via terraform import.

Import command :
terraform import ‘module.splunk_instances.module.splunk_instances.google_compute_instance["qpspldev001-test-366301"]’ qpspldev001-test-366301

│ Error: Invalid address

│ on line 1:
│ 1: module.splunk_instances.module.splunk_instances.google_compute_instance[“qpspldev001-test-366301”]

│ A resource name is required.


Normally, just the instance name should be sufficient, at least based on the docs


That said, the first thing I’d try is see if the extended formats mentioned there (e.g., {{project}}/{{zone}}/{{name}} work any better. Especially if you don’t have a default zone defined at the provider level, that may do the trick.

If that doesn’t work, you may want to try running with TF_LOG set to debug and / or file a provider bug.