Terraform import Elasticstack Kibana alerting rules

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to use terraform import for elasticstack_kibana_alerting_rule? I can’t figure out what space id/rule id is.

terraform import elasticstack_kibana_alerting_rule.my_rule <space id>/<rule id>

e.g terraform import elasticstack_kibana_alerting_rule.ppl-monitoring default/alert:8fea94f0-9b92-11ee-9978-dd36070472a4

│ Error: Unabled to get alerting rule

│ Failed with: {“error”:“no handler found for uri [/s/default/api/alerting/rule/alert:8fea94f0-9b92-11ee-9978-dd36070472a4] and method [GET]”}


Oh, it turns out that I was using the wrong endpoint. :sweat_smile: