I have a module defined that reads from a YAML and uses restapi to create some resources like this,
module "acp_yaml" {
source = "../read_files"
filepaths = ["../account_plans/*.yaml"]
resource "random_uuid" "acp_uuid" {
for_each = module.acp_yaml.files
resource "restapi_object" "acp" {
for_each = module.acp_yaml.files
provider = restapi.restapi_oauth
path = "/account-plans"
data = jsonencode({
"uuid" : random_uuid.acp_uuid[each.key].id,
"name" : module.acp_yaml.files[each.key].account_plan.name
output "acp_uuids" {
value = restapi_object.acp
Now the output looks like this,
"acp_uuids" = {
"acp_gold" = {
"api_data" = tomap({
"name" = "Scripted Gold"
"uuid" = "b06dd4f8-051f-12f1-2650-cd8e4bd06b0d"
"acp_silver" = {
"api_data" = tomap({
"name" = "Scripted Silver"
"uuid" = "cf80c035-2f18-dcca-332d-f963bbbbeae9"
I would like to output just the UUIDs of acp_gold and acp_silver, how to change output to achieve that?
I tried this,
output "acp_uuids" {
value = restapi_object.acp[*].*.api_data.uuid
That’s giving an error like this,
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on ..\..\modules\account_plans\outputs.tf line 2, in output "acp_uuids":
│ 2: value = restapi_object.acp[*].*.api_data.uuid
│ This object does not have an attribute named "api_data".
I tried this,
output "acp_uuids" {
value = restapi_object.acp[*].acp_gold.api_data.uuid
That works, but like expected it only gives one uuid, I would like both to be output.
Any ideas of how to read the output using “module.acp_yaml.files” (for_each) from a different module will be helpful too.