[terraform modules] how to call public_ip_address_id in main.tf

I don’t knox how to call the resource public_ip_address_id

Case: private ip

module main.tf

 private_ip_address_allocation = var.m_private_ip_allocation
 private_ip_address            = var.m_private_ip_addres

call module main.tf

  m_private_ip_address    = var.private_ip_address
  m_private_ip_allocation = var.private_ip_address_allocation

With private Ip is working fine but with public ip what should I put?

case public ip

module main.tf

# Create public IPs

resource "azurerm_public_ip" "public_ip" {

  name                = var.public_ip_name

  location            = var.m_location

  resource_group_name = "infsdbdbsrg001"

  allocation_method   = "Dynamic"

  tags = {

    environment = "production"

//Create new NIC and attach SubNet + (optional)NSG  to it

resource "azurerm_network_interface" "az_nic" {

  name                = "${var.m_domain_name}${var.m_environment}${var.m_vm_role}${var.m_vm_type}${var.m_instance}${var.m_nic_type}${var.m_nic_instance}"

  location            = var.m_location

  resource_group_name = var.m_resource_group_name

  tags                = merge(var.m_common_tag, { "fonction" = var.m_tag_nic_function })

  ip_configuration {

    name                          = var.m_ip_config_name

    subnet_id                     = data.azurerm_subnet.az_subnet.id

    private_ip_address_allocation = var.m_private_ip_allocation

    public_ip_address_id          = azurerm_public_ip.public_ip.id


  enable_accelerated_networking = var.m_nic_enable_acc_networking


call module main.tf

public_ip_address_id          = azurerm_public_ip.public_ip.id

how to call this resource . Could you please support me.

Could you provide a GitHub repo or gist with all of your code?
Maybe also reformat this post properly using tripple backticks for code blocks.