When I do terraform apply using bitbucket pipeline.
This is the result:
Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.
ecr_repo_uri = "12345678.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ecr-repository"
+ printf '\n'
+ printf '\x1d+ terraform output\n'
+ terraform output
so meaning this was a success?
But the next line of my pipeline will call this command terraform output
but the result is Warning: No outputs found. I am missing something?
+ terraform output
│ Warning: No outputs found
│ The state file either has no outputs defined, or all the defined outputs
│ are empty. Please define an output in your configuration with the `output`
│ keyword and run `terraform refresh` for it to become available. If you are
│ using interpolation, please verify the interpolated value is not empty. You
│ can use the `terraform console` command to assist.
+ printf '\n'
+ printf '\x1d+ echo \x22ECR_REGISTRY_URI=\x24(terraform output -raw ecr_repo_uri)\x22 >> \x24{BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/env-vars.env\n'
+ terraform output -raw ecr_repo_uri
output "ecr_repo_uri" {
value = aws_ecr_repository.ecr-repository.repository_url
bitbucket pipeline
name: 'Create ECR repository'
- set -x
- . shared.sh
- load_aws_key "$Environment"
- install_awscli
- aws --version
- touch state_file.txt
- aws s3 cp s3://terraform-statefile-"$Environment"/"$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG"/state_file.txt state_file.txt
- terraform --version
- terraform init -backend-config="access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" -backend-config="secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
- terraform validate
- terraform plan
- terraform init
- terraform refresh
- terraform apply -input=false -auto-approve -state=state_file.txt
- TF_VAR=$(terraform output -raw ecr_repo_uri)
- echo "export ECR_REGISTRY_URI=$TF_VAR" >> ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/env-vars.env
- cat state_file.txt
- aws s3 cp state_file.txt s3://terraform-statefile-"$Environment"/"$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG"/state_file.txt
- env-vars.env