I have imported some pre-existing AWS SSM parameter store parameters using terraform import
. I also created the terraform code to generate these parameters :
resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "resource_foo" {
name = "resource_foo"
description = "Lorem ipsum"
type = "String"
value = "foo_value"
tags = {
"Project" = "foo_project",
"aws:cloudformation:stack-name" = "foo_project_stack",
"aws:cloudformation:logical-id" = "foo_project_logical-id",
"aws:cloudformation:stack-id" = "arn:aws:cloudformation:xxx:xxx",
The imported state looks like this (first issue):
"mode": "managed",
"type": "aws_ssm_parameter",
"name": "resource_foo",
"provider": "provider.aws",
"instances": [
"schema_version": 0,
"attributes": {
"allowed_pattern": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:ssm:xxx:xxx",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"id": "resource_foo",
"key_id": "",
"name": "resource_foo",
"overwrite": null,
"tags": {
"Project": "foo_project"
"tier": "Standard",
"type": "String",
"value": "foo_value",
"version": 2
So naturally, when I run terraform plan
, terraform says:
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# aws_ssm_parameter.resource_foo will be updated in-place
~ resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "resource_foo" {
arn = "arn:aws:ssm:xxx:xxxx"
description = "Lorem ipsum"
id = "resource_foo"
name = "resource_foo"
~ tags = {
"Project" = "foo_project"
+ "aws:cloudformation:logical-id" = "foo_project_logical-id"
+ "aws:cloudformation:stack-id" = "arn:aws:cloudformation:xxx:xxx"
+ "aws:cloudformation:stack-name" = "foo_project_stack"
tier = "Standard"
type = "String"
value = (sensitive value)
version = 2
I even tried manually adding the missing tags in the statefile, and if I then proceed to do terraform plan -refresh=false
terraform then says everything is up to date.
If I do a normal terraform plan
it does a state refresh, and then thinks that the three extra tags are missing…
Is this a bug? Should I report it as such?