If this is not what you had in mind could your provide a code snippet illustrating the schema that you are trying to implement or where in your code you have the requirement you described?
Hi @bendbennett, thanks for your answer. I’m trying to create a resource that has a field that is a map of elements with different value types (in golang types a map[string]interface)
The terraform code is something on the lines:
resource "custom_resource" "test" {
name = "my-name"
description = "test desription"
vars = {
foo = "bar"
test = true
meta = {
a = "b"
Doing the implementation:
// customResourceModel maps the resource schema data.
type customResourceModel struct {
Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`
Description types.String `tfsdk:"description"
Vars map[string]interface{} `tfsdk:"vars"` # What to set here?
// GetSchema defines the schema for the resource.
func (r *myCustomResource) GetSchema(_ context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
return tfsdk.Schema{
Description: "Manages a custom resource",
Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
"name": {
Description: "Name for the custom resource.",
Type: types.StringType,
Optional: true,
"description": {
Description: "Description",
Type: types.StringType,
Required: true,
"vars": {
Description: "Variables to provide on the resource",
Type: types.MapType{
ElemType: types.StringType, # Need values of different types.
Optional: true,
}, nil
What type should I use in this case? Do I need to create a custom attribute?
Thank you for providing some additional context and some code snippets. Can I just check which version of terraform-plugin-framework you are using to develop your terraform provider? I believe that the latest version is v1.3.3 and would recommend updating to this version if possible.
A Go map[string]interface{} would be equivalent to a Terraform map(any) (in a Terraform configuration input variable type).
Problem is, I think the Terraform Go libraries for authoring plugins might not have support for defining a map(any) resource parameter - they want you to be more specific.
Your only option in this case might be to use a dynamic pseudo type from terraform-plugin-go along with muxing. There is currently an open issue on terraform-plugin-framework for Support Dynamic Type/Attributes that discusses this. But until such time that this is added to the framework it may be necessary to use terraform-plugin-go along with muxing.