My NIC creation code is as below:
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "tf-ni-test" {
count = "${var.count_sss_vm}"
name = "${var.sss_base_hostname}${format("%02d",count.index+1)}-nic01"
#location = "${}"
location = "${var.location}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
ip_configuration {
name = "${var.sss_base_hostname}${format("%02d",count.index+1)}-iip01"
subnet_id = "${}"
private_ip_address_allocation = "${var.env=="msdn"?"dynamic":"static"}"
#private_ip_address = "10.112.2.${count.index+10}"
public_ip_address_id = "${element(*.id,count.index+1)}"
VM creation code is as below:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "tf-vm-test" {
count = "${var.count_sss_vm}"
name = "${var.sss_base_hostname}${format("%02d",count.index+1)}"
location = "${var.location}"
#location = "${}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
network_interface_ids = ["${element(*.id, count.index)}"]
vm_size = "${var.sss_vm_size}"
I’m running terraform plan with below command:
terraform plan -var "application_nsg=test-sss" -var "count_sss_vm=2" -var "env=msdn" -var "username=devopsadmin" -var "password=Angular1@#$" -var "sss_base_hostname=testsss" -var "sss_vm_size=Standard_B2s" -var "storage_account_suffix=sta" -var "win_image_offer=Windows" -var "win_image_publisher=microsoftvisualstudio" -var "win_sku=Windows-10-N-x64" -var "location=australiaeast"
Curious to know why it is reporting an error and how to resolve it. The same code has well before. Is this because of TF v0.12?
Doing exactly the way described below: