Hi There,
Terraform is not recognizing “private service access connection” in the host project part of the shared VPC setup. It is complaining on UNSUPPORTED argument : An argument named “connect_mode” is not expected here when trying to create a FileStore instance in the service project.
Terraform Version and Provider Versions:
Terraform v1.0.11
provider.google version = ">= 3.58, <= 4.28.0"
provider.google-beta ">= 3.39.0, <4.0.0"
Terraform Configuration Files
resource "google_filestore_instance" "filestoreinstance" {
provider = google
name = "${module.project.project_name}-filestore-usea4-fstore"
project = module.project.project_id
zone = var.zone
tier = "BASIC_SSD"
file_shares {
capacity_gb = 2660
name = var.filestore_dir_name
networks {
network = regex(".*/global/networks/(.*)$", local.vpc)[0] //This is a shared VPC project name (or) Host Project
modes = ["MODE_IPV4"]
labels = var.labels
depends_on = [
Expected Behavior
Terraform plan and apply should recognize that there is already a "private service access
connection and create a FileStore instance.
Actual Behavior
Error: Unsupported argument
on main.tf line 199, in resource "google_filestore_instance" "ailoyalinstance":
199: connect_mode = "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS"
Reference Docs:
Note: This works fine with GCloud SDK