I couldn’t find the the answer. I see a lot of cloud providers that you can connect with Terraform.
The question is… if you are running Kubernetes on local servers, can Terraform connect to it?
I couldn’t find the the answer. I see a lot of cloud providers that you can connect with Terraform.
The question is… if you are running Kubernetes on local servers, can Terraform connect to it?
Hi @fters
There shouldn’t be any differences between connection to a remote Kubernetes cluster or a local cluster.
See how to specify the credentials for the Terraform Kubernetes provider:
Be aware that most implementations and tutorials for a local Kubernetes cluster are really a for a single master doing all the work.
If you want to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with multiple workers for local development see the following tutorial that explains how to do it with Vagrant, Ansible and VirtualBox.
Thank you that is very very very useful information. I’m happy
Hi @fters
I am adding tutorials about Terraform and Kubernetes, first one explains how to use ~/.kube/config
contexts to configure Terraform or even rename the context if needed.
The example code publishes 3 replicas of a Docker image from the public registry and creates a NodePort (as it is needed for Kubernetes on top of VirtualBox using Vagrant).
Please let me know if you were able to solve the connectivity issue.
I believe that Terraform Kubernets provider fallbacks to localhost if it can not find the Kubernetes contexts, printing errors like this:
Failed to create deployment: Post "http://localhost/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments":
I would prefer a hard fail.