TF 1.0.10: When removing count from module, plan wants to destroy then re-create everything

I started a TF project on v0.14.8 and at the time used count to select a module like so:

module "moduleA" { 
  source                         = "./moduleA"
  count                          = var.aws_env == "moduleA" ? 1 : 0
  aws_env                        = var.aws_env
  aws_security_group_id          = var.aws_security_group_id
  aws_subnet_1                   = var.aws_subnet_1

module "moduleB" {
  source                         = "./moduleB"
  count                          = var.aws_env == "moduleB" ? 1 : 0
  aws_env                        = var.aws_env
  aws_security_group_id          = var.aws_security_group_id
  aws_subnet_1                   = var.aws_subnet_1

When I would run terraform plan/apply, I would have the aws_env set to moduleA or moduleB to select that module.

I have since updated to v1.0.10 successfully and am looking to get rid of the count argument because of it’s inherent blockers with Providers within Modules. My latest looks like so:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0.10"
  backend "s3" {

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

module "moduleA" { 
  source                         = "./moduleA"  
  aws_env                        = var.aws_env
  aws_security_group_id          = var.aws_security_group_id
  aws_subnet_1                   = var.aws_subnet_1

module "moduleB" {
  source                         = "./moduleB"
  aws_env                        = var.aws_env
  aws_security_group_id          = var.aws_security_group_id
  aws_subnet_1                   = var.aws_subnet_1

variable "aws_env" {}
variable "aws_security_group_id" {}
variable "aws_subnet_1" {}

This works great conceptually as I plan/apply the TF like so ({TF_ACTION} is set to plan or apply):

terraform ${TF_ACTION} -target=module.${AWS_ENV} -input=false with {AWS_ENV} set to moduleA or moduleB.

The problem I’m facing is that once count has been removed, on a TF plan - TF wants to destroy and re-create all 155+ of my AWS resources - including KMS keys which are currently encrypting data.

How can I avoid TF wanting to destroy then re-create everything while removing count?