Tf test 1.8 > Cannot test custom data source output?

I’m testing a module defining in it a custom datasource (with external provider).
I would like to be able to test the output of it from the terraform test framework with a pretty simple configuration but that isn’t working as I would expect.
I re-read the documentation several times and seems to be possible to use that so I’m a bit puzzled.


terraform version
Terraform v1.8.3
on windows_amd64


terraform {
  required_providers {
    external = {
      source  = "hashicorp/external"
      version = "~> 2.3.2"

variable "git_configuration" {
  type = object({
    name    = string
    web_url = string

data "external" "azuredevops_credential" {
  count = var.git_configuration != null ? 1 : 0

  program     = ["bash", "", ...]
  working_dir = "${path.module}/assets"

And I would like to test its output in that way:

run "test_run" {
  command = apply

  assert {
    condition     = length(data.external.azuredevops_credential) == 1
    error_message = "A datasource data.external.azuredevops_credential should have an item"
  assert {
    condition     = data.external.azuredevops_credential[0].git_username == "terraform"
    error_message = "A datasource data.external.azuredevops_credential[0].git_username should have the right value. Actual=${data.external.azuredevops_credential[0].git_username}, Expected=_"

But after running
terraform init
terraform test

it gives me the following error:

  run "databrick_dbk_with_azdo"... fail
│ Error: Unknown variable
│   on tests\unit.tftest.hcl line 280, in run "test_run":
│  280:     condition     = data.external.azuredevops_credential[0].git_username == "terraform"
│ There is no variable named "data".

Any idea on what I’m doing wrong?

Hi @sebastien.latre, it looks like Terraform is producing the wrong error message here.

I think you are missing the result attribute in your reference, your condition should read:


I’ve been able to replicate this, but in my replication I do see an additional correct error message - do you see that as well? This is my full output:

main.tftest.hcl... in progress
  run "test"... fail
│ Error: Unknown variable
│   on main.tftest.hcl line 8, in run "test":
│    8:         condition = data.external.resource[0].hello == "world"
│ There is no variable named "data".
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│   on main.tftest.hcl line 8, in run "test":
│    8:         condition = data.external.resource[0].hello == "world"
│ This object has no argument, nested block, or exported attribute named "hello".
main.tftest.hcl... tearing down
main.tftest.hcl... fail

The second unsupported attribute error is correct, and should be the only one Terraform displays.

If you fix the reference, this should unblock you. I’ve filed `terraform test`: Additional erroneous error message when referencing invalid attributes · Issue #35265 · hashicorp/terraform · GitHub to track removing the additional error message.

Indeed, there is an additional message but was so confused by the first one that I didn’t even fully read the second one.
I’m too much used in “fix the first error you find before going further”.
So this one was a bit stupid.
Sorry for that and thanks to fix it for future users :slight_smile:

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