Tput: unknown terminal "unknown" node install

Hello again.

I’m now running across the problem while executing a script with sudo runuser so the script runs as a user on the packer machine.

using amazon-ebs builder, building debian stretch, trying to install nodejs I’m getting this error and the build fails.

==> amazon-ebs: Downloading 
==> amazon-ebs: 
==> amazon-ebs: Computing checksum with sha256sum
==> amazon-ebs: Checksums matched!
amazon-ebs: Now using node v8.16.0 (npm v6.4.1)
==> amazon-ebs: tput: unknown terminal "unknown"
amazon-ebs: Creating default alias: default -> 8.16.0 (-> v8.16.0 *)
amazon-ebs: Now using node v8.16.0 (npm v6.4.1)
==> amazon-ebs: tput: unknown terminal "unknown"
amazon-ebs: default -> 8.16.0 (-> v8.16.0 *)

any ideas how I can solve this?

Many thanks

Can you somehow check the TERMINFO environment variable? And if it’s not set, try implementing something like export TERMINFO=/usr/lib/terminfo?

Thank you Tobias,
It was to do with this, I ended up doing the following.

curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.nvm/
nvm install 8.16.0 && nvm use 8.16.0 && nvm alias default 8.16.0
wait $!
sudo npm install npm@latest -g &>/dev/null
sudo npm install pm2@2.10.4 -g &>/dev/null

the script is using runas --login for anyone who comes across this post.

I set the TERM var because its not set I think, and also because pm2 outputs some warnings it causes the build to fail because of a non zero exit code.

so for that I’m piping the errors and output to dev/null which solved the issues.

Many thanks
