Folks, am trying to find a way with terraform random_id resource to recreate and provide a new random value when the rds instance destroys and recreates due to a change that went in, say the username on rds has changed.
This random value am trying to attach to final_snapshot_identifier of the aws_db_instance resource so that the snapshot should have a unique value to its id everytime it gets created upon rds instance being destroyed.
Current code:
resource "random_id" "snap_id" {
byte_length = 8
locals {
inst_id = "test-rds-inst"
inst_snap_id = "${local.inst_id}-snap-${format("%.4s", random_id.snap_id.dec)}"
resource "aws_db_instance" "rds" {
identifier = local.inst_id
final_snapshot_identifier = local.inst_snap_id
skip_final_snapshot = false
username = "foo"
apply_immediately = true
output "snap_id" {
value = aws_db_instance.rds.final_snapshot_identifier
Output after terraform apply:
snap_id = "test-rds-inst-snap-5553"
Use case am trying out:
Modify value in rds instance to simulate a destroy & recreate:
- Modify username to “foo-tmp”
- terraform apply -auto-approve
snap_id = "test-rds-inst-snap-5553"
I was expecting the random_id to kick in and output a unique id, but it didn’t.
- rds instance in deleting state
- snapshot “test-rds-inst-snap-5553” in creating state
- rds instance recreated and in available state
- snapshot “test-rds-inst-snap-5553” in available state
Modify value again in rds instance to simulate a destroy & recreate:
- Modify username to “foo-new”
- terraform apply -auto-approve
Kind of expected below error, coz snap id didn’t get a new value in prior attempt, but tired anyways…
- Error: error deleting DB Instance (test-rds-inst): DBSnapshotAlreadyExists: Cannot create the snapshot because a snapshot with the identifier test-rds-inst-snap-5553 already exists.
Am aware of the keepers{} map for random_id resource, but not sure on what from the rds_instance that I need to put in the map so that the random_id resource will be recreated and it ends up providing a new unique value to the snap_id suffix.
Also I feel using any attribute of rds instance in the random_id keepers, might cause a circular dependency issue. I may be wrong but haven’t tried it though.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks.