Trying to label EKS node

Hi all thanks for any and all help. So trying to label one of my EKS nodes with terraform and I have tried a few different ways and none seem to work. Here is what I have tried, one with labels and one with kubelet extra args both are commented as neither are working:

      name                 = "NG_2"
      asg_desired_capacity = "1"
     **#  labels               = {**
**        label_key = "test-airflow"**
**      }**
      subnets = [local.subnet_ids[1]]
      **#      kubelet-extra-args = "--node-labels=airflow-controller"**
      tags    = concat(
            key                 = ""
            value               = local.subnet_ids[1]
            propagate_at_launch = true
            key                 = "${local.subnet_ids[1]}"
            value               = true
            propagate_at_launch = true


Any pointers/ideas on how to accomplish this? Id really appreciate it!!