Unable to call/pass the value from list(objects) in the resource block

Am trying to call the value from list(objects), am unable to do so, am assigning count.index when am using var.service_account_id, but am not sure if this is the problem, could some one please help.

CSV data as below

test-0, one
test-1, two


resource "confluent_api_key" "schema_reg_api_key" {
  display_name = var.display_name
  description  = "Kafka API Key that is owned by 'app-manager' service account"
  owner {
    **id          = var.service_account_id[count.index]**
    api_version = var.api_version
    kind        = var.kind

  managed_resource {
    id          = var.schema_registry_cluster_id
    api_version = var.schema_registry_api_version
    kind        = var.schema_registry_kind

    environment {
      id = var.environment_id

  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy = true

variable "service_account_id" {
  description = "The Service Account ID of the owner that the API Key belongs to"
  type = list(object({
    name = string
    example = string


locals {
  sa-test = csvdecode(file(".//projects/project-1/test.csv"))
  displayname = { for test in local.sa-test : test.name => test }

module "confluent_service_account" {
  for_each = { for test in local.sa-test : test.name => test }
  source = ".//modules/confluent_service_account"
  display_name = each.key.name

module "api_key" {
  for_each = { for test in local.sa-test : test.name => test }
  source = ".//modules/confluent_api_key"
  depends_on = [ module.confluent_service_account ]
  display_name = each.key.name
  **service_account_id = module.confluent_service_account.id**


│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on main.tf line 25, in module "api_key":
│   25:   service_account_id = module.confluent_service_account.id
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable
│ "service_account_id" defined at
│ modules/confluent_api_key/variables.tf:6,1-30: list of string required.
│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on main.tf line 33, in module "schema_reg_api_key":
│   33:   service_account_id = module.confluent_service_account.id
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable
│ "service_account_id" defined at modules/
│ confluent_schema_registry_api_key/variables.tf:6,1-30: list of string
│ required.