Unable to create arm64 image on GCP

Hi ,
I am unable to create a arm64 image on gcp cloud.
Packer v1.12.0

“builders”: [
“type”: “googlecompute”,
“project_id”: “",
“source_image”: “rocky-linux-8-optimized-gcp-arm64-v20250123”,
“account_file”: “{{ user account_file }}”,
“zone”: “us-east1-b”,
“ssh_username”: “rocky”,
“ssh_private_key_file”: "~/.ssh/
“image_name”: “{{user target_image_name}}”,
“machine_type”: “c4a-standard-1”,
“disk_size”: “21”,
“image_description”: “CT based Image”,
“image_storage_locations”: [“us”],
“image_labels”: {
“businessentity”: "
“businessunit”: “*****”,
“release”: “{{user release}}”,
“name”: “{{user target_image_name}}”

       "network_project_id": "*******",
       "tags": ["ssh", "bastion-ssh", "ssh-jenkins", "ssh-mgmt-ct-jenkins"],
       "subnetwork": "*******"

Error Message
Error creating instance: googleapi: Error 400: [pd-standard, c4a-standard-1] features are not compatible for creating instance., badRequeste[0m
e[1;31mBuild ‘googlecompute’ errored after 4 seconds 124 milliseconds: Error creating instance: googleapi: Error 400: [pd-standard, c4a-standard-1] features are not compatible for creating instance., badRequest

Can someone help me on this

Tried both disk_types, but no luck
pd-ssd and pd-standard