Unable to Create AWS Lambda From Replicated Private ECR

I have an ECR Repository in ap-south-1, that is replicated to us-west-1. The replication is done correctly, and was done through CLI before; I can see the images being synced and was able to pull locally as well.

When I create an AWS Lambda function using this image_uri of us-west-1, it fails with the below error:

creating Lambda Function (my_sample_tmp): operation error Lambda: CreateFunction, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 310e56ea-e5f7-4f50-a9e5-fcf4555c55f5, InvalidParameterValueException: Source image 12345678910.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-repo:2-my-tag is not valid. Provide a valid source image.