I am trying to create a cross account VPC peering as a requestor through terraform script but it keeps throwing InvalidVPC ID which is referring to my accepter VPC. I have provided the accepter account id in peer_owner_id but it seems like its looking up the VPC ID in the requester account. Following is my configuration.
data “aws_vpc” “acceptor_vpc” {
id = var.acceptor_vpc_id
data “aws_vpc” “requestor_vpc” {
id = var.requestor_vpc_id
resource “aws_vpc_peering_connection” “vpc_peering” {
count = var.enable ? 1 : 0
peer_owner_id = var.peer_owner_id == null ? null : var.peer_owner_id
peer_vpc_id = var.acceptor_vpc_id
vpc_id = var.requestor_vpc_id
auto_accept = true
tags = {
Name = “vpc-peer-{data.aws_vpc.requestor_vpc.tags["Name"]}-{data.aws_vpc.acceptor_vpc.tags[“Name”]}”
Env = var.env
Error: InvalidVpcID.NotFound: The vpc ID ‘vpc-XXXXX’ does not exist
status code: 400, request id: 80362a8a-f24c-49dd-8054-38c68XXXXX
I’ve tried to hardcode the peer_own_id but it didnt work.
Not too sure what went wrong. Would appreciate if anyone could help.