Hi Team,
We are using centurylink cloud.
When we are trying to create servers i am unable to copy and executing scripts into remote servers.
Kindly suggest us.
provider “clc” {
username = “{var.user_name}"
password = "{var.password}”
account = “${var.account}” # optional
resource “clc_server” “node” {
name_template = “{var.name_template}"
source_server_id = "{var.source_server_id}”
group_id = “{var.group_id}"
cpu = "{var.cpu}”
memory_mb = “{var.memory}"
password = "{var.node_password}”
count = 2
additional_disks {
size_gb = 10
type = “raw”
device_name = “/dev/sdh”
provisioner “file” {
source = “/tmp/apache.sh”
destination = “/usr/local/apache.sh”
provisioner “remote-exec” {
inline = [
" sh /usr/local/apache.sh"
connection {
host = "${clc_server.node.0.private_ip_address}"
user = “root”
password = “${clc_server.node.password}”
resource “null_resource” “examplerr3” {
provisioner “local-exec” {
command = “echo {clc_server.node.id} ansible_host={clc_server.node.private_ip_address} > private_ips.txt”