Unable to find Datadog-monitor attributes


I have a datadog monitor in below json format. { "id": 111111111, "name": "prod-log-error", "type": "log alert", "query": "logs(\"project:bg @level:ERROR environment:prod\").index(\"main\").rollup(\"count\").last(\"5m\") > 0", "message": "Error detected in *prod*-bg log\n@slack-alert\n\"{{message}}\"", "tags": [ "bg", "prod" ], "**options": {** ** "queryConfig": {** ** "timeRange": {** ** "from": 1590734852861,** ** "to": 1590749252861,** ** "live": true** ** },** ** "queryString": "project:bg @level:ERROR environment:prod",** ** "queryIsFailed": false,** ** "logset": {** ** "name": "main",** ** "type": "logs",** ** "dailyLimit": 200000000,** ** "rateLimited": null,** ** "scopeId": "56299",** ** "query": "",** ** "retention": 15,** ** "readDataAccess": true,** ** "id": "56299",** ** "dailyQuotaDisabled": false** ** },** ** "track": "logs",** ** "indexes": [** ** "main"** ** ]** ** },** ** "aggregation": {** ** "metric": "count",** ** "type": "count",** ** "groupBy": ""** ** },** ** "thresholds": {** ** "comparison": ">",** ** "period": {** ** "value": "last_5m",** ** "seconds": 300** ** },** "critical": "0", "timeAggregator": "avg" }, "enable_logs_sample": true, "notify_audit": false, "locked": false, "timeout_h": 0, "include_tags": true, "new_host_delay": 300, "require_full_window": true, "notify_no_data": false, "renotify_interval": 0, "groupby_simple_monitor": false, "no_data_timeframe": 2 } }

I’m unable to find corresponding attributes in Terraform for ‘options’ that include queryConfig, queryString, queryIsFailed etc (and the ones in bold here). https://registry.terraform.io/providers/DataDog/datadog/latest/docs/resources/monitor#log%20alert is the page that I’m referring to. Can someone pls help me with corresponding Terraform attributes for these.


CAn i please get some help on this.