We are trying to establish a Vault cluster (Windows Server 2012).
Here are the steps and configurations used: (vault_1):
Step 1
C:\Vault>vault.exe server -config vault.hcl
storage "raft" {
path = "C:\\raft"
node_id = "vault_1"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
//cluster_address = ""
tls_disable = 1
api_addr = ""
disable_mlock = true
cluster_addr = ""
ui = true
Step 2
C:\Vault>vault operator init -format=json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1
"unseal_keys_b64": [
"unseal_keys_hex": [
"unseal_shares": 1,
"unseal_threshold": 1,
"recovery_keys_b64": [],
"recovery_keys_hex": [],
"recovery_keys_shares": 5,
"recovery_keys_threshold": 3,
"root_token": "s.MOPuGPXBTnvWbhTzasHspurL"
Step 3
C:\Vault>vault operator unseal
-> Pasted from above “unseal_keys_b64”
Initialized true
Sealed false (vault_2):
Step 1
C:\Vault>vault.exe server -config vault.hcl
storage "raft" {
path = "C:\\raft"
node_id = "vault_2"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
//cluster_address = ""
tls_disable = true
api_addr = ""
disable_mlock = true
cluster_addr = ""
ui = true
Step 2
C:\Vault>vault operator init -format=json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1
"unseal_keys_b64": [
"unseal_keys_hex": [
"unseal_shares": 1,
"unseal_threshold": 1,
"recovery_keys_b64": [],
"recovery_keys_hex": [],
"recovery_keys_shares": 5,
"recovery_keys_threshold": 3,
"root_token": "s.xMXO3kJO2wzg8sCjM6HIUxqJ"
Step 3
C:\Vault>vault operator unseal
-> Pasted from above “unseal_keys_b64”
Step 4
C:\Vault>vault operator raft join
Key Value
--- -----
Joined true
Step 5
C:\Vault>vault operator raft list-peers
Node Address State Voter
---- ------- ----- -----
vault_2 leader true
Switch back to (vault_1)
Step 1
C:\Vault>vault operator raft list-peers
Node Address State Voter
---- ------- ----- -----
vault_1 leader true
This is the tutorial we are trying to follow: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/vault/raft-storage. One difference is that we are manually unsealing the vault instances.
We would like help understanding why when we try to join to another server cluster it seems to not join to the other server, and instead appears to create a second cluster.
Thank you!