Unable to read module directory using Terraform in Github

Problem Statement: Unable to read module directory using Terraform in Github

Structure of my Git Repo:


My terraform module structure is below

now my configuration files is in below folder "Terraform"


I am trying to invoke resource_group module like below:

module "resource_group" {
  source = "./modules/resource_group"

  location = var.location

  prefix  = var.prefix
  postfix = random_string.postfix.result

Now trying to run terraform init

terraform -chdir=Terraform init -input=false -backend-config="resource_group_name=${TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}" \
        -backend-config="storage_account_name=${TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" \
        -backend-config="container_name=${TF_CONTAINER_NAME}" \

Actually getting error of not able to read module directory

Can someone suggest where I am doing mistake ? Thanks in advance.