I was attempting to report what I believed to be a bug in the aws_sfn_state_machine resource I had encountered, but I received the message “Your ability to open an issue in this repository is currently blocked. If you feel this is in error, please contact the repository’s owner.” This is the repo: GitHub - hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws: The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources.
I’ve opened feature requests and bug reports in the past in this repo, so I’m trying to figure out what happened. Is this the right place to ask?
I still cannot report issues with the provider. If this is not the right place to ask, where is?
could you please share your issue and steps to reproduce the issue?
i can give a try and create a github issue for you, thanks
Terraform Core Version
AWS Provider Version
Affected Resource(s)
Expected Behavior
When the lambda function is replaced, the associated aws_lambda_permission
resources should also be replaced.
Actual Behavior
In the plan and apply cycle where the lambda is being replaced, the aws_lambda_permission
resources show no change. They are re-created on the second plan and apply cycle.
Terraform Configuration Files
# Before changes
resource "aws_lambda_function" "sample" {
function_name = "sample_name"
architectures = ["x86_64"]
image_uri = local.lambda_image_uri
role = aws_iam_role.sample_role.arn
description = "Sample lambda."
# After changes to trigger issue
resource "aws_lambda_function" "sample" {
function_name = "sample_name"
filename = "${path.module}/sample_function_payload.zip"
runtime = "python3.13"
handler = "sample.handler"
role = aws_iam_role.sample_role.arn
description = "Sample lambda."
# This resource doesn't have to be changed.
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow_same_org_invoke" {
statement_id = "AllowSameOrgInvoke"
action = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
function_name = aws_lambda_function.sample.function_name
principal = "*"
principal_org_id = "org_asdf"
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a lambda resource with an associated
- Plan and apply the resources.
- Change something in the lambda, like going from a container image to a zip package, that causes the lambda to be replaced.
- Plan and apply the resource.
Sounds good, Ryan! I’ll give it a go and submit an issue if I run into the same problem. Cheers!
I’d still prefer to not be blocked from posting issues on GitHub. It seems to be specific to this repository.
oh, i am able to raise an issue on aws provider repo!
@ryancausey1 just created it for you #41166. Feel free to add further comment.
@brucelok that’s the problem, I’m completely blocked from the repository it seems. I can’t react to any posts, like putting a
on the issue to vote for it, I can’t comment on any issues, and I can’t open any issues.
I’m looking for the person I need to talk to in order to get my privileges on the repo restored. I feel like I got swept up in some autoban script somehow.
@ryancausey1 I’ve got no clue about this. I just helped you out and raised the bug.
@brucelok thanks. I thought you were a member of Hashicorp, since I saw someone with a similar name close my email support request.
@justinretzolk I see you responded to that issue and appear to be a Hashicorp member. Are you able to help me understand why I’m blocked on the aws terraform provider repository?
Hey @ryancausey1
Sorry for the bit of delay in getting back to you here; was waiting on an internal ticket investigating this. I wasn’t able to find any reason why you seem to have been blocked, but was able to get the block removed. Can you double check that you’re able to interact now?
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@justinretzolk it looks like I’m able to react again so I assume that means I can open issues as well given that I couldn’t even react to messages before. Thank you for the help!