Hi, I’m following this doc to set up file_path auditing device. I understand that the username/passwords/tokens in the audit log are are hashed with a salt using HMAC-SHA256.
My goal is to use Vault to translate a token/username/password back to the original token (non hashed version) so that I know who initiated that request.
In my payload.json file, I have the hashed token like this:
“input”: “hmac-sha256:0f6621d2813df41ccf2ffabd7dd97148c0302aae59e00f81abb41ae5c0000000”
When I run the following Vault command:
–header “X-Vault-Token: hvs.rUzPWfowWGKDQcxhV0000000”
–request POST
–data @payload.json
I get this output:
I’m failing to understand how to use the above data to audit who requested a username/password since the data is hashed here.
- some values are masked intentionally