Update Aws Ec2 instance

I need to update one ec2 instance. The flow I’m trying to implement is getting one instance using “aws_instance” data source, destoying it and creating another one with different ami,type or whatever I want and then attaching the volumes I have in the older one. The question is, how can I destroy one instance, without using terraform destroy on the console. The code I have until now is this.

data "aws_ami" "latest_ubuntu_ami" {

  most_recent = true

  filter {

    name   = "name"

    values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"]


  filter {

    name   = "virtualization-type"

    values = ["hvm"]


  owners = ["099720109477"]


data "aws_instance" "get_specific_instance" {

  filter {

    name   = "tag:Name"

    values = ["Application"]



module "update_instance" {

  source = "../modules/ec2"

  ami_id               = data.aws_instance.get_specific_instance.ami

  instance_type        = data.aws_instance.get_specific_instance.instance_type

  availability_zoneEc2 = data.aws_instance.get_specific_instance.availability_zone


resource "aws_instance" "destroy" {

 #Don't know how to implement
