using terraform 1.5.7
I know we should not use provisioners if we can avoid it.
But Im doing stuff with openstack workflow/mistral that the provider does not support so here I am.
I am basically looping setting up cron triggers with a bash script that uses openstack cli from the “local-exec” provisioner with “when: create” running in a terraform_data resource block. It works nicely
resource "terraform_data" "my_cron" {
for_each = { for host, values in var.hosts : host => values if values.extra != null }
provisioner "local-exec" {
when = create
command = "bash ${templatefile("my_create_script.tftpl", {
exec_description="Created by automation"
} )}"
But I obviously I want the ability to also remove the cron jobs that I create.
so added a destroy provisioner to the resource:
provisioner "local-exec" {
when = destroy
command = "bash ${templatefile("my_destroy_script.tftpl", {
} )}"
However this destroy part fails due to the local.cloud_name not being allowed.
Destroy-time provisioners and their connection configurations may only reference attributes >of the related resource, via ‘self’, ‘count.index’, or ‘each.key’.
If I change it to a string directly it works. But I want this as part of a terraform module where the cloud_name could be different so it should be a variable (var or local) but I cant wrap my head around it.
One suggestion was to use tags { cloud = local.cloud_name } in the resource and reference it, but terraform_data does not seem to suport tags … if I instead put the provisioner in another existing resource that does, then I need to have the provisioners as dynamic depending on the input host var (see for_each in code) and provisioners does not support that …
So how do I solve this…? It feels like it should be something easy, but Im stuck now.