I was writing a tf file to bring up aws workspace and wanted to run a userdata script to install winrm in it. But the option user_data
gave an error while running terraform plan. A sample of my tf code
resource "aws_workspaces_directory" "main" {
directory_id = "<directory_id>"
data "aws_workspaces_bundle" "value_windows_10" {
bundle_id = "<bundle_id>" # Value with Windows 10 (English)
resource "aws_workspaces_workspace" "john.doe" {
directory_id = "<directory_id>"
bundle_id = "${data.aws_workspaces_bundle.value_windows_10.id}"
user_name = "john.doe"
root_volume_encryption_enabled = true
user_volume_encryption_enabled = true
volume_encryption_key = "alias/aws/workspaces"
tags = {
Department = "test"
user_data = <<-EOF
winrm quickconfig -q & winrm set winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"} & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"} & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM in" protocol=TCP dir=in profile=any localport=5985 remoteip=any localip=any action=allow
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
# Set Administrator password
$admin = [adsi]("WinNT://./administrator, user")
$admin.psbase.invoke("SetPassword", "pwd")
$subnet=$(curl -usebasicparsing $META_URL/network/interfaces/macs/$((curl -usebasicparsing $META_URL/network/interfaces/macs/).Content)/subnet-ipv4-cidr-block).Content
$local_ipv4s=$(curl -usebasicparsing $META_URL/network/interfaces/macs/$((curl -usebasicparsing $META_URL/network/interfaces/macs/).Content)/local-ipv4s).Content
$hostname="N{0:D3}" -f [int]$ip_segs[2] + "-H" + "{0:D3}" -f [int]$ip_segs[3]
set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
Install-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools -IncludeAllSubFeature
rename-computer -NewName $hostname -Restart=False -Force
connection {
host = "${self.ip_address}"
type = "winrm"
user = "username"
password = "pwd"
insecure = "true"
use_ntlm = "true"
provisioner "file" {
source = "userdata.ps1"
destination = "c:\\userdata.ps1"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"powershell c:\\userdata.ps1 "
terraform plan error
terraform plan
Error: aws_workspaces_workspace.john.doe: : invalid or unknown key: user_data
I also see that host = "${self.ip_address}"
self reference like this is giving an error. Are these options supported under aws_workspace? If not, then how do we connect to the workspace and run scripts remotely through terraform?