Hi all,
Can someone suggest the best way how to setup cdktf-cli with all additional tools/libraries for python (like python, pipenv, …) in docker container?
I found couple of examples where the code is also dockerized together with libs, but I wonder is it possible only to dockerize libraries and CLIs.
I was trying to follow prerequisites Install CDK for Terraform and Run a Quick Start Demo | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer and was trying to build docker container using Docker image
FROM node:18.14.2-slim
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y unzip shellcheck npm curl
RUN curl -o /tmp/terraform.zip https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip && \
unzip /tmp/terraform.zip && \
mv terraform /bin && \
chmod 0755 /bin/terraform && \
rm /tmp/terraform.zip && \
npm install -g npm@9.5.1 \
&& npm install -g cdktf-cli@0.15.5
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y pip
RUN pip install cdktf==0.15.5 \
&& pip install pytest
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
When try to execute script, I’m getting an error
docker run --rm cdktf_test:latest cdktf
/usr/local/bin/cdktf: cdktf: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `"./cdktf.js"'
/usr/local/bin/cdktf: cdktf: line 2: `require("./cdktf.js");'
On the other side I can run the command from docker container.
I would appreciate any suggestion.