Using multiple iterators to combine a block

I am trying to set Kafka event source for Lambda function using the Lambda module.

My code is in the end of the question. I need to pass source_access_configuration with both the subnet id and the security groups, which I am reading from another stack using DataTerraformRemoteState.

So I can’t just use map or loop over the values. I tried using iterator but it produced very weird TF syntax which failed on apply:

"source_access_configuration": [
              "type": "SASL_SCRAM_512_AUTH",
              "uri": "${aws_secretsmanager_secret.secret.arn}"
              "type": "SERVER_ROOT_CA_CERTIFICATE",
              "uri": "<>"
            "${[ for key, val in toset([data.terraform_remote_state.production-remote-state.outputs.vpc-default-security-group-id]): {type = \"VPC_SECURITY_GROUP\", uri = val}]}",
            "${[ for key, val in toset(data.terraform_remote_state.production-remote-state.outputs.vpc-private-subnet-ids): {type = \"VPC_SUBNET\", uri = val}]}"

How can I do that? I need to combine 2 dynamic lists + static values…

   const vpcSecurityGroupIterator = TerraformIterator.fromList(vpcSecurityGroupIds);
  const vpcSubnetsIterator = TerraformIterator.fromList(vpcSubnetIds);

  const lambdaFunction = new Lambda(scope, `lambda-${functionName}`, {
    imageUri: `<>`,
    createPackage: false,
    packageType: 'Image',
    functionName: `${serviceName}_${functionName}`,
    attachPolicyJson: true,
    policyJson: policy.json,
    timeout: 60,
    environmentVariables: {
    createAsyncEventConfig: true,
    attachNetworkPolicy: true,
    publish: true,
    eventSourceMapping: {
      kafka: {
        topics: ['<>'],
        starting_position: 'LATEST',
        self_managed_event_source: [
            endpoints: { KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: '<> },
        self_managed_kafka_event_source_config: [
            consumer_group_id: serviceName,
        source_access_configuration: [
            type: 'SASL_SCRAM_512_AUTH',
            uri: secretArn,
            type: 'SERVER_ROOT_CA_CERTIFICATE',
            uri: '<>',
            type: 'VPC_SECURITY_GROUP',
            uri: vpcSecurityGroupIterator.value,
            type: 'VPC_SUBNET',
            uri: vpcSubnetsIterator.value,