I’m trying to use terrform to create a datadog dashboard, where:
- There are multiple sections (CPU, RAM, etc.)
- Under each section, there are graphs for different parformance metrics (system load, etc.) that will have lines for each host
I was able to create a simple .tf file, run terraform apply and see the dashboard created with just one graph and one host, i.e. where the information was hardcoded. I came up with the code below, but am at a bit of a loss as to how to access the variables in the resource section. I’m keeping the code simple for now, so I can establish a baseline.
Any thoughts on how I’d access the variables correctly?
# Datadog Performance Dashboard
locals {
dashboard_title = "Title here"
hosts = toset( [ "host1" "host2"] )
params = {
"CPU" = [
title = "System Load - 1 min avg"
dd_param = "avg:system.load.norm.1"
"RAM" = [
title = "Memory Commit limit"
dd_param = "system.mem.commit_limit"
resource "datadog_dashboard" "ordered_dashboard" {
title = var.dashboard_title
description = "Created using the Datadog provider in Terraform"
layout_type = "ordered"
is_read_only = true
dynamic "widget" {
for_each = local.params
category = each.key
content {
timeseries_definition {
title = title(each.value.specify-first-element-in-array-here.title)
request {
q = "each.value.specify-element-in-array-here.dd_param{host:host1}"
display_type = "line"
style {
line_type = "solid"