V0.12 complex data structures

I’m having some difficulty assembling complex schemas.

For instance, Having a TypeList inside of a TypeMap or even a TypeMap inside of a TypeMap appears to be failing validation

	compressionSchema := &schema.Schema{
		Type:        schema.TypeMap,
		Optional:    true,
		Description: "GZIP and GZIP level of compression with mime type",
		Elem: &schema.Resource{
			Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
				"enabled": {
					Type:     schema.TypeBool,
					Default:  true,
					Optional: true,
				"gzip": {
					Type:        schema.TypeString,
					Optional:    true,
					Default:     "txt,js,htm,html,css",
					Description: "File suffixes to compress if requested",
				"level": {
					Type:        schema.TypeInt,
					Optional:    true,
					Default:     1,
					Description: "The level of compression used for gzip",
				"mime": &schema.Schema{
					Type:        schema.TypeList,
					Optional:    true,
					Description: "Mime types to be used with gzip compression",
					Default:     []string{"text/*"},
					Elem: &schema.Schema{
						Type: schema.TypeString,
    compression = {
        enabled = true
        gzip = "m3u8,ts"
        level = 2
        mime = ["text/*", "application/x-mpegUR", "vnd.apple.mpegURL", "video/MP2T"]


Inappropriate value for attribute "compression": element "mime": string

The only way I can seem to get lists to work at all is at the top level of the resource. It is making it impossible to logically group settings.

Another long-form example of a structure I was attempting to implement would have looked like

    delivery = {
        compression = {
            enabled = true
            gzip = "m3u8,ts"
            level = 2
            mime = ["text/*", "application/x-mpegUR", "vnd.apple.mpegURL", "video/MP2T"]

        static_header {
            enabled = true
            http = "TEST:inject"

        static_header {
            enabled = true
            client_request = "TEST2:secondinject"

        http_methods = {
            enabled = true
            passthru = "*"

Is this kind of structure impossible (maps and lists inside a map), or am I missing something about the Schema’s and Resources? I’ve been through all of the documentation and the providers repos to look at examples, and others seem to do this kind of structure without an issue.

A trick I’ve found in TF managed repos is

		Type:        schema.TypeList,
		MaxItems:    1,

I’m not a fan of this, as it makes no sense, but I guess.