I have the following input variable:
variable "network_profile" {
type = object({
network_plugin = string
network_mode = optional(string, null)
network_policy = optional(string, null)
dns_service_ip = optional(string, null)
network_data_plane = optional(string, "azure")
network_plugin_mode = optional(string, null)
outbound_type = optional(string, "loadBalancer")
pod_cidr = optional(string, null)
pod_cids = optional(list(string), [])
service_cidr = optional(string, null)
service_cidrs = optional(list(string), [])
ip_versions = optional(list(string), [])
load_balancer_sku = optional(string, "standard")
load_balancer_profile = optional(object({
idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number, 30)
managed_outbound_ip_count = optional(number, null)
managed_outbound_ipv6_count = optional(number, null)
outbound_ip_address_ids = optional(set(string), [])
outbound_ip_prefix_ids = optional(set(string), [])
outbound_ports_allocated = optional(number, 0)
}), null)
nat_gateway_profile = optional(object({
idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number, 4)
managed_outbound_ip_count = optional(number, null)
}), null)
default = null
validation {
condition = var.network_profile == null ? true : [
for np in var.network_profile : np.nat_gateway_profile == null ? true : [
for ngp in np.nat_gateway_profile : (coalesce(ngp.managed_outbound_ip_count, 0) >= 1 && coalesce(ngp.managed_outbound_ip_count, 17) <= 16)
error_message = "Must be between 1 and 16 inclusive."
The validation fails with the following:
│ Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│ on ..\..\..\modules\aks\variables.tf line 1002, in variable "network_profile":
│ 1002: condition = var.network_profile == null ? true : [
│ 1003: for np in var.network_profile : np.nat_gateway_profile == null ? true : [
│ 1004: for ngp in np.nat_gateway_profile : (coalesce(ngp.managed_outbound_ip_count, 0) >= 1 && coalesce(ngp.managed_outbound_ip_count, 17) <= 16)
│ 1005: ]
│ 1006: ]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ var.network_profile is object with 15 attributes
│ The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The
│ 'true' value is bool, but the 'false' value is tuple.
What am I doing wrong?