Variable Validation : Nested Objects


I’m trying to see if its possible to validate nested objects. For example;

  variable "tag_templates" {
    type = list(object({
    id           = string
    display_name = optional(string)
    fields = list(object({
      id           = string
      type         = string
      values       = optional(list(string))
      description  = optional(string)
      display_name = optional(string)
      is_required  = optional(bool)
      order        = optional(number)
  description = "(Required) A list of tag template resource objects"

  validation {
    condition = can( [ for tag_template in var.tag_templates : regex("^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{0,63}$", ])
    error_message = "Each of the 'tag_templates' id values must start with a letter (a-z) or underscore (_) and only contain letters (a-z), numbers(0-9) or underscores(_)."

  validation {
    condition = try( [ for field in var.tag_templates.fields : contains("STRING", field.type) ]) 
    error_message = "Supported types are 'BOOL', 'DOUBLE', 'ENUM', 'STRING' and 'TIMESTAMP'."

Trying to make sure my nested object types attribute is one of the permitted values.
My first validation block works fine, but I’m struggling with the nested one.

Got a working solution using alltrue,

validation {
  condition = alltrue([ for tag_template in var.tag_templates : alltrue([ for field in tag_template["fields"] : contains(["BOOL", "DOUBLE", "ENUM", "STRING", "TIMESTAMP"], field["type"]) ]) ] ) 
  error_message = "Supported types are 'BOOL', 'DOUBLE', 'ENUM', 'STRING' and 'TIMESTAMP'."

Does seem to do what I indeeded.