Hi all,
I have a Vault Cluster at AWS (KMS auto-unseal) with 3 nodes and MySQL storage in the backend. Ever since I created Zabbix monitoring to monitor the Active node, but I can see that the status changes all the time:
[WARN] core: leadership lost, stopping active operation
[INFO] core: pre-seal teardown starting
[INFO] rollback: stopping rollback manager
[INFO] core: pre-seal teardown complete
I have a pretty straight-forward config:
disable_cache = true
disable_mlock = true
ui = true
# MySQL backend config
storage "mysql" {
# MYSQL Connection parameters
address = "MY DB ADDRESS"
username = "username"
password = "pass"
database = "db"
max_idle_connections = "0"
max_connection_lifetime = "0"
ha_enabled = "true"
# Vault server listen configuration
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
cluster_addr = ""
tls_cert_file = "secret"
tls_key_file = "secret"
tls_disable = false
# the address to advertise for HA purpose
seal "awskms" {
kms_key_id = "MYID",
region = "MY REGION"
The whole Vault is behind AWS LB NLB. Am I missing something, should node statuses be regularly changing?