Vault - Curl with GCP token to decrypt text

Hi, i am having trouble to curl with a gcp token, i have a gcp auth enable and i can get a token using vault read gcp/token/testes_token, then i want to decrypt a text using curl with that token , if i use the root token is all good:
curl -H “X-Vault-Token: $vault_token” --request POST --data @text.json

i receive the text but if i use the gcp token it give a error:
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer $token” --request POST --data @text.json

{“errors”:[“1 error occurred:\n\t* internal error\n\n”]}

systemctl status vault:

[ERROR] core: failed to lookup token: error="failed to look up namespace from the token: no namespace"
[ERROR] core: failed to lookup token: error="failed to look up namespace from the token: no namespace"

what this mean ?