Hi there!
I think it seems to be related to: Vault agent template doesn't seem to respect env vars (but even if it’s merged, we still have the issue with v.1.4.2 release).
We have the issue with our staging/production setup, that Vault can’t establish the connection to itself without configured environment variable VAULT_ADDR='https://vault-production.domain.com'
We run both consul and vault in a cluster on same nodes, so basically Vault uses Consul as backend on localhost.
This is our Vault config from one host:
"listener": {
"tcp": {
"tls_disable": 0,
"address": "",
"cluster_address": "",
"tls_cert_file": "/etc/ssl/certs/domain_com.crt",
"tls_key_file": "/etc/ssl/private/domain_com.key"
"storage": {
"consul": {
"address": "",
"path": "vault/"
"disable_mlock": 0,
"ui": true,
"api_addr": "",
"cluster_name": "vault-staging"
But vault status
responds with Error checking seal status: Get x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
After setting env var VAULT_ADDR='https://vault-staging.domain.com'
it works flawlessly. I have no idea why it takes by default… Do we miss something in the config to avoid exporting env vars on each host?
Thx and have a nice day!