After vault is integrated with k8s, secret data can be obtained from vault service in the form of annotation or configmap.
Everything works fine when using annotations. I customized the storage path as /vault/signserverEnv instead of the default path /vault/secrets. secret/data/Dev/Security/signserver/config /vault/signserverEnv |
{{- with secret "secret/data/Dev/Security/signserver/config" -}}
{{- end -}}
But when I use configmap vault-template-config
The configuration of config is as follows
"auto_auth" = {
"method" = {
"type" = "kubernetes"
"config" = {
"role" = "signserverdev"
"exit_after_auth" = true
"template" = {
"perms" ="0777"
"destination" = "/vault/signserverEnv/ManagementCA.crt"
"contents" = "{{- with secret \"secret/data/Dev/Security/signserver/config\" -}}{{base64Decode}}{{- end -}}"
Report the following error message
This shows that there is no permission to create, I checkedvault agent template document,find create_dest_dirs
(default true)andperms
(Already set to 0777)might solve the problem, but unfortunately also got the error above. Can you help me how to set it up? (The boss is very angry now)